Things We've Done

We started Live Love with a premise of only sharing Good news, since everything around us was highlighting the negative, and we needed to refocus the energy on light and life's beauty. Except, a few months in, heartbreaking photos were shared. Like one of a dirty river. One of a family of refugee with a 3 year old baby living under a bridge, one of a homeless man selling chicklets on the street.  So you look at them and you ask yourself, should i ignore it, or should I post it?
We posted our first photo (the dirty river one) and asked if people wanted to come clean it with us. We had 185 comments with email addresses in under an hour. This is how we became a force in gathering volunteers. This is how we realized our followers weren't just here to look at pretty photos. They're here to participate in real change. 

 In 2014 The Ministry of Tourism lead by Minister Michel Pharaon adopted Live Love and turned it into the official national campaign of Tourism for Lebanon. For the very first time, a campaign initiated by the society and youth became an official national campaign. 

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